Catch Our ROSM Speakers at TOBI 2020


The OrthoBiologic Institute (TOBI) is one of the premier regenerative medicine conferences in the world and our ROSM doctors are proud to be regular faculty and presenters. Presenters gather to discuss orthobiologics from across the globe. They will discuss research advances in orthopedic biologics and revolutionary technologies. TOBI provides you with the opportunity to learn and connect with researchers and pioneers in the field of orthobiologics, including our own ROSM orthopedic experts.

Meet Our Presenters at TOBI

We are proud to announce that, this year, our own Dr. John Ferrell and Dr. Sean Mulvaney will be presenting at the 11th annual Virtual Orthobiologics Symposium June 12th through 13th.

Dr. Sean Mulvaney, MD, will be discussing the Stellate Ganglion Block, proven to provide durable relief from symptoms of PTSD. See Dr. Mulvaney on June 13th at 2 pm EST.

Dr. John Ferrell, MD, will be discussing Bone Marrow Injections, which focuses the body’s innate ability to heal. See Dr. Ferrell on June 12th at 4:30 pm EST.

ROSM is on the cutting edge of Regenerative Orthopedic procedures and alternatives to surgery. We take a different approach to healing. We are excited to discuss the latest advancements and best-practices in Orthopedic Biologics.

It’s Not Too Late to Register

TOBI is the gathering of industry leading professionals from all over the globe. Our ROSM doctors will be discussing advancements of regenerative and orthopedic treatments. Treatments that have been enhancing our patient’s lives. If you haven’t registered yet there is still time. Just follow this link to register and reserve your spot, before the event fills up!

Written by Zeth Owen