The Facts About Osteoarthritis


How much do you know about osteoarthritis? You might even have the condition and still, have plenty of questions about it. The main cause of osteoarthritis – overuse – is commonly known, as is the fact that it occurs when the cartilage in the joints gets worn away. Many people still aren’t aware of these facts.

Osteoarthritis Affects Men at a Younger Age

Men are more likely to be diagnosed with osteoarthritis under the age of 45. This is due to the fact that men tend to have jobs that involve heavy lifting and repetitive movements. Sports play a factor as well. Many of the sports that men play in high school, including soccer, basketball, football, and even baseball, tend to place a lot of wear and tear on the knees.

Typically, women over the age of 45 are diagnosed with osteoarthritis. This is often due to advancing age, standing, kneeling, and crouching. This places a lot of strain on the weight-bearing joints, which leads to osteoarthritis.

osteoarthritisThere Are Some Additional Risk Factors to Osteoarthritis

There are some additional risk factors that can cause this condition at a younger age. For example, you can wear down your joints if you are overweight, spend your time doing a job that requires a lot of load or weight-bearing (such as standing at an assembly line), and don’t spend a lot of time building up your muscles. People can also be genetically predisposed to developing osteoarthritis. For example, if you have a parent or grandparent with knee or hip problems, then you are likely to end up with them as well.

The Earlier You Start Treatment, The Better

If you are diagnosed with osteoarthritis then you need to start treatment right away. If you think you may have the condition, it is important to visit one of our doctors to begin treatment. The sooner that you begin treatment, the less likely you are to end up needing surgery. The diagnosis process usually involves getting x-rays, MRIs, and in some cases a blood test. A blood test will rule out certain conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. 

You Do Have Several Treatment Options

Once our physicians know for sure that you have osteoarthritis, they can put together a treatment plan for you. This could involve everything from losing weight to putting less stress on your joints. There are also regenerative options, which have proven to greatly enhance the mobility of the affected joint and reduce pain.

These options include:

  •   Prolotherapy: Strengthens the soft tissue ligament and muscular support structures around the affected joint.
  •   Platelet-rich Plasma: Focuses your body’s natural ability to self heal and reduce pain.
  •   Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate: Treats orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions through healing damaged tissues using bone marrow
  •   Microfragmented Adipose: Starts and supports the body’s natural healing processes. These cells bind to the injury site and release hundreds of chemical messengers, which repair the damaged tissue.

Contact ROSM Today if You Are Suffering from Osteoarthritis to Find Out More About Your Treatment Options!


Written by Colin Potts