COVID-19 Update:

ROSM’s Response to COVID-19

Dear ROSM Patients and Staff,

For the past three years, we have adjusted COVID-19 protocols, policies and guidance at ROSM to protect the health and safety of our patients, colleagues and community members, especially those most at risk for severe infection. Today, COVID-19 immunity protection is higher due to both vaccinations and recovery from infection. The rates of new COVID-19 transmissions and hospitalizations are declining in our communities, and the public health emergency declaration will end on May 15. Considering these developments, effective May 15 the following changes will be made to the ROSM COVID-19 guidance.


Effective May 15, wearing masks will become strongly recommended but no longer required in all ROSM clinics unless masks are otherwise required (preparing PRGF, etc). Personnel returning to work after recovering from COVID-19 or other respiratory viruses must still mask for the appropriate designated time in all areas (through day 10 following COVID-19). Personnel, patients and caregivers experiencing respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, runny nose) must wear a mask in all areas while symptomatic, even if they believe the respiratory symptoms are due to a non-COVID infection or allergies. Personnel with respiratory symptoms should contact their Clinic Lead and, as always, personnel should not work if they have a fever.

Alternative Options

For those patients who are uncomfortable being around unmasked individuals, they will be offered remote check in, and/or the option to wait in their vehicle until the exam room is ready. Also, upon request patients can have all staff in their exam room wear a mask.

Best regards,

The ROSM Team




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