What is microfragmented adipose tissue?

Microfragmented Adipose Tissue (MFAT) is a form of processed adipose (fat) tissue that has been broken down into small fragments or particles. This process can be achieved through various methods such as mechanical, enzymatic or ultrasonic fragmentation. The resulting microfragments are then used in various medical procedures, such as regenerative medicine and fat grafting.

Does it contain stem cells?

Yes, MFAT tissue typically contains adipose-derived stem cells. These stem cells have the potential to differentiate into various cell types, such as fat, bone, and cartilage cells, and may play a role in tissue regeneration and healing. As a result, MFAT and its stem cells are used in various medical procedures, such as cosmetic surgery, wound healing and regenerative medicine.

How long has microfragmented adipose been in use?

MFAT is a relatively new technology in the field of regenerative medicine. The use of MFAT for various medical applications, including plastic and reconstructive surgery, started to gain popularity in the mid-tolate-2000s. Since then, the use of MFAT has continued to expand as more research has been conducted to evaluate its safety and effectiveness in various medical applications.

Who gets the fat?

In the case of (MFAT therapy, the fat is usually obtained from the patient undergoing the procedure. This fat is usually taken through a small fat grafting procedure or through a needle aspiration. The fat is then processed using an FDA cleared device to obtain MFAT, which is then re-injected into the area where treatment is required. The use of a patient’s own fat (autologous tissue) for MFAT therapy eliminates the risk of rejection or adverse reaction associated with the use of foreign materials.

It’s important to note that the specific method of obtaining and processing fat for MFAT therapy may vary depending on the practitioner and the specific application. Patients should discuss the details of the procedure with their healthcare provider to understand the specific steps involved and the associated risks and benefits.

The physicians at ROSM are experts in harvesting MFAT and using it to improve function and pain. If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment with ROSM, please contact us at (202) 681-7671 or visit our contact page for more information.


  1. Zuk PA, Zhu M, Ashjian P, et al. Human adipose tissue is a source of multipotent stem cells. Mol Biol Cell. 2002;13(12):4279-4295.
  2. Park JH, Kim BS, Kim HS, et al. Adipose tissue-derived stem cells in regenerative medicine. J Cell Physiol. 2010;224(2):337-347.
  3. Levenberg S, Rouwkema J, Macdonald M, et al. Engineering functional muscle: in vitro differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells into skeletal muscle cells. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2005;89(7):717-725.

Written by Zeth Owen